Students' Union



Student Voice is an area within the Students’ Union that exists to ensure that students have their voices heard throughout the University as well as the Students’ Union itself.


The Students’ Union team

Officers from the Students’ Union sit on committees throughout the University, from the Board of Governors, Equality and Diversity and Attendance and Monitoring, as well as forming multi agency working groups with Greater Manchester Police and the City Council, and having regular meetings with the President and Vice-Chancellor.

The Executive Officers of the Students’ Union acts as the primary liaisons between the University and the Union. Read more about what that means in practice and how the Students’ Union makes sure students have their say by taking a look at the work of this year's Executive Officers.

Student Reps

Student Reps are students who are appointed as your representatives, to champion your interests, promote your views and act as a mouthpiece between you and decision makers in the University. 
As an institution underpinned by democracy, reps form a large part of the University’s commitment to improving the student experience; so that every student of the University has representation where they need it. Reps endeavour to ensure that no matter your course, or your gender, sexuality or ethnicity, your views are represented adequately.