Lucas Hille, HUMS Undergraduate Rep

Lucas Hille is a 3rd year Economics student. He’s also an Undergraduate Faculty Officers for the faculty of Humanities (HUMS), who are elected each September for the academic year and represent all students within their faculty.
“The role of the rep is to have a positive impact of the course and sometimes it is the smallest changes that have the biggest impact.”
Lucas decided to become a rep to ‘create change in the best interests of the students’ that he will be representing and implement positive changes to engage students with their course. He feels that by getting a strong buy –in from students you get more changes as result, and wants to use his power as a rep to encourage students to speak up even more.
“It is important that people know early on about being a rep.”
Having student representation from all years is something Lucas feels strongly about, and working with a mix of students at different stages in their University career is what makes the experience even more worthwhile. Lucas says that ‘I think you have to catch people early to plant the seed that reps are around’, and is working with reps from other years to make their presence all the more visible.
“It is important for my role that I was elected by my peers.”
What’s great about being a rep for Lucas is learning new ways to give back to the students that elected him to represent their voice. One way this was developed was through organising workshops and focus groups for reps to develop new ways of communicating with students and ‘focussing on speaking skills to show people what we have done and why they should trust us.’ 
“I know everyone in the school and they are very supportive.”
Being a student rep involves coming in close contact with faculty members and building relationships with members of staff. Lucas sees this as a great opportunity to get support and advice on his role as a rep and says that: ‘We have a very open relationship so I can just stop and have a quick chat with them. They are open and friendly and are happy to meet with you.’ 
“The presence of student reps enhances the experience of the students in my school. I wouldn’t be a rep if I didn’t believe that was true.”
What Lucas finds so rewarding from being a rep is the chance to make meaningful change for the students who are asking for it. He feels as though being a rep is about ensuring the standards of the student experience are met and improved on in order for students to get the most out of their course. As Lucas says himself: ‘My mantra as a student rep is, “We’re not here to make University easy, we’re here to make University good for those who care’.