Becky Fox, BMH Undergraduate Rep

Becky Fox was a rep for Pharmachology students in her 2nd and 3rd year for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
“One of the reasons I became a rep was to be able to deal with people’s problems.”
Becky already had great organisational skills and wanted to make changes that made it easier for other students to organise their University workload. She wanted to become ‘the person that people come to if they want something changing or a problem solving’, and it was the idea of helping her fellow students that motivated Becky into becoming a rep. 
 “We haven’t had loads to be raised, but if there was something I am sure I know how to deal with it and who to talk it through with.”
The rep training is listed as one of the most beneficial aspects of her time as a rep, giving her ‘more confidence to approach staff and lecturers’ and building communication skills within the University. Although a lot of communication is mainly done through the SSLC meetings, speaking to people directly is key in being a successful rep.
“I like being able to say what I want but also listening to other people’s problems and knowing they will be solved” 
Being a rep isn’t just about getting your voice heard; it’s also about listening to other people’s ideas and what other reps are saying. By attending meetings and talking with other reps, Becky has got a deeper insight into her faculty and the different ways reps can make positive changes within schools. 
 “As a third year, I enjoyed sharing meetings with first years.”
What’s great about being a rep for Becky is the opportunity for reps to ‘work together with societies and other course reps’, sharing experiences and knowledge. One fun way this was done was through pizza nights, where groups of reps would ‘buy a load of pizza and drinks, split into groups with a mixture of years and then the years above share their experiences’ – A great way to meet new people and get advice from other reps. 
“I think it is the little things that make a big difference that you might not notice.”
Ensuring attention is given to all issues, big or small, is a big part of Becky’s role as a rep. Small changes like making sure lectures finish early or shortening them is an example of small changes that have made a big impact on student experience, and, as Becky says, ‘It’s all change, but different sizes.”