Student Experience Surveys


Student Experience Surveys are crucial in continuously improving The University.

Institution wide surveys are one of the easiest ways to give your opinion on everything, from your teaching to the Students’ Union and all the other facilities that help make your student experience. Throughout the academic year, all students have the opportunity to take part in at least one University recognised survey.

There are a number of University-wide surveys all aimed at different students. So, although it might feel like you’re always being asked to complete surveys, you will only be asked to take one student experience survey during the academic year, plus Unit Surveys (for taught students).

Feedback from these surveys is used throughout the University at all levels to implement real and positive changes to the student experience here at The University. You might see some of the posters featuring  ‘I Said, the Uni Did’, which give examples of when student feedback has made a real change to the facilities, services or learning experiences The University offers.

So this semester, take the opportunity to really think about your experiences here at The University, including what has worked, and just as importantly, what hasn’t worked so well, to ensure that your voice is heard.

Without student feedback The University has no real way of knowing if we’re meeting your expectations or if what we’re doing is working. All of you feedback is completely anonymous.

Surveys include:

‣ National Student Survey (NSS) - for finalist undergraduates.
‣ Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) - for postgraduate students.
‣ Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) - for postgraduate students.
‣ Unit Surveys - for all taught students.

You’ll be contacted via email when it’s your turn to have your say.

Don’t forget, surveys aren’t the only way to be heard, and if you have something you want to say at any point during your time at the University, there are lots of other ways to do it, including local feedback channels in schools, speaking to your Course Rep or one of the Exec team members at the Students' Union.