Welcome, Induction, and Transition (WIT)


Welcome, Induction, and Transition or WIT is a key project looking at how students are welcomed and transition to life at university. The project aims to provide students with a positive welcome and induction to the University, to ensure students feel ready to start their studies. 


2021-22 Project:

In 2021-22, a team of four Student Partners worked collaboratively to review and audit materials used for Welcome Week and helping to create resources for AskMe Ambassadors to use to help induct new students. The team developed FAQ documents, campus tour scripts, and played a key role in supporting ambassadors working during the Welcome period. 

2022-23 Project:

For the 2022-23 academic year, a team of two Student Partners worked together to analyse data and make recommendations based on student feedback from the previous Welcome period. The team also researched the Welcome offer at other universities, wrote literature reviews, and created reports based on student surveys conducted during Welcome. The team also created survey and focus group questions that the wider team could then use in future data gathering. 

Student Partner Feedback: 

"The project, personally, has made a very positive impact on my student life and understanding of higher education. Coming back to university life after a gap year, I felt disconnected from the activities and this project helped me get involved again. The internship gave me an opportunity to understand the kind of efforts the student experience team makes, the resources that are already available, and how I can feel a better sense of belonging as well." - Student Partner, 2022-23 Project