Flexible Learning Programme


Flexible Learning Partners

Student partners are currently working with the Flexible Learning team to create resources around digital literacy

Masnuna's Experience

Hi, my name's Masnuna and I’m a 2nd year Actuarial Science and Mathematics student. I’m currently working on the 2nd stage of the Flexible Learning Project. The first stage looked at collecting feedback through focus groups and other initiatives where interns had the chance to facilitate a group discussion. In the second stage, we analysed feedback given by students and staff and created a presentation to report back on our findings which will be used in decision making higher up in the university.

As part of the Flexible Learning Project, I’ve done a variety of tasks including feedback analysis, creating presentations and we even starred in our own film showcasing our brand-new digital tool, the Jisc discovery tool! This is an online tool used to assess your digital skills and gives you a report explaining where you’re proficient and where you can improve. As an intern, we have tested this tool and made sure it’s user friendly and added value to the student experience before it went live. But, if you do not wish to participate in the filming side of things, you have the choice to opt out of that task; you’re never forced to do anything you’ve not consented to!

Since my contract on this assignment has been extended, I will continue to see this assignment through its next few stages, and I look forward to seeing how we increase student choice and flexible learning at a greater scale.

Check out the video Masnuna made on the right, or click this link!

Srijan's Experience

Hi, I’m Srijan Vasireddy, a final year student of BA in Economics and Politics. I currently work as a student partner intern with the University of Manchester. The application process was unique yet challenging with the process requiring me to pen my thoughts on how I could improve the stellify program. The application process was reflective of the kind of work that I would be engaging in as part of my responsibilities in this role. Being a part of a student-led team that focuses on resolving broad initiatives that can help students is rewarding. I currently work on the University’s Flexible learning project. The FLP is designed with very specific goals like designing and creating the right conditions, and support structures to explore new ways of teaching and learning across the university. The aim of the FLP is to ensure that we as a university are capable of adapting towards an increasingly digital and blended form of learning. This is catered to students from all across the world with different circumstances that hinder normal day-to-day learning in person. 

Being a part of the Flexible learning project has been a truly engaging experience. My work essentially focuses on exploring different avenues on how the university can extend flexibility over pace, place time, mode and qualification can support learners' individual choices. My work includes creating content in the form of writing articles and also getting involved in creating some video promotional material. I’ve been a part of several panel discussions to get feedback from students and help the University build our policy overall. Lastly, we also work on strategies that increase awareness about the FLP and its benefits to the larger student community. Overall, I believe this job represents a lot more to me than just another internship. It represents the opportunity to help shape the university policy to reflect the needs of thousands of current and future students. 

Check out the TikToks Srijan made for the Flexible Learning Programme on the right, or click this link!